The K.N.Toosi University of Technology (KNTU) initially established in 1928 as the college of Telecommunications, currently enjoys 350 full-time faculty members and 7000 students (3500 at Bachelor level and 3500 postgraduate students). KNTU is committed to providing state of the art education and innovation in research and technology. Building vital relationships with the expanding community locally, nationally and internationally and harnessing competences are integral parts of the activities at the KNTU.

KNTU boasts on a strong track record of internationally endorsed joint academic/research activities with major institutions in various countries including, but not limited to, the UK, the Netherlands, Germany, France, Korea and Russia.

KNTU has lunched a new journey based on Re-Designing Higher Education. The journey ahead will require that we learn from the past, in order to evolve today and create new opportunities tomorrow. Establishing Multidisciplinary International Complex (MIC) could be a potent salvation to pursue this goal by making changes in approaches and harvesting different results. Our mission in this journey are as follows:

  • Re-Designing Higher Education
  • Regional/International Outreach
  • Science-Policy Bridge
  • 4th Industrial Revolution TRANSFORMATION
MIC Governance