We Do Are
Multidisciplinary Projects
International Collaboration
To Unravel Complex Issues

The journey ahead will require that we learn from the past, in order to evolve today and create new opportunities tomorrow. Establishing Multidisciplinary International Complex (MIC) could be a potent salvation to pursue this goal by making changes in approaches and harvesting different results.
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Get to Know the MIC President
Farhad Yazdandoost received his university education and gained engineering consulting experience in the U.K. Since joining K. N. Toosi University of Technology- Tehran in 1991, he has served as its Dean of Faculty of Civil Engineering, Vice-Chancellor for Research and Vice-Chancellor for Global Strategies and International Affairs. While seconded to industry, he has acted as Director General of the Research Bureau of the Water Affairs of the Ministry of Energy-Iran and was later appointed as the founding President of Iran’s national Water Research Institute directing research, innovation and capacity development pertaining to different aspects of water resources management and engineering at national and regional level. Commissioning numerous national and regional research and development projects are some of his achievements which he later pursued in his capacity as the director of the Regional Centre on Urban Water Management, under the auspices of UNESCO. He has taken up the position of the chancellor of the university in 2019 and is currently leading the activities of the university’s Multidisciplinary International Complex (MIC).